
Do I help teach students how to accept change?

Death and taxes, we know, we know, but is change inevitable?

On his blog the other day Teachpaperless out forth a very poignant and rather perplexing question: Do I help teach students how to accept change? I think that there are a couple of key issues that really affect whether anyone can effectively help another to accept change.

One. Are you yourself able to effectively accept change? Do you contiually evolve and growth in a multi-dimensional way? As an adult if an individual has difficulty accepting change (symptoms include constant complaining, rumour-mongering, pleading helplessness, glowing negativity) how he/she possibly model any form of acceptance of change for students? And of course people respond differently to change, too. I suppose that the most effective way to 'soften' the hard edge of change is to add a safety net to your attitude: become a lifelong learner.

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear teacher-colleagues publicly declaring that the want to challenge their students as people and learners. A great of tantamount importance. But as a parent and student I would want to know: What are you doing to challenge yourself? How are you growing as an educator? As a leader? We haven't quite recognized and accepted the role of model; of what it means to grow and evolve and well, change, as professionals, partners, spouses, parents, and community members. If not for our students, how for about ourselves?

Lastly, and perhaps too philosophically, but can we really teach students how to accept change? And if so, I would put forward that all teachers, not just those in the brick and mortar building that at cocktail parties indicate that they are a 'teacher', have a role to play; community elders, politicians (maybe not a good example), community volunteers, those in religious affiliations, and even parents of our childrens' peers. And while I believe that we can (and should) show our students perspective and offer direction, guidance and support, I'm not sure that the ultimate acceptance change involves the individual at the deepest level of both conscious and subconscious awareness.

You know, you can lead a horse to water...

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